Matthew Jarrell Other Victims?

Matthew Jarrell Mugshot

A woman leaves a bar where a nice clean-cut Independent Baptist Fundamental Pastor from Texas had been chatting with her.  She waits for a cab.  While waiting for her cab to arrive, the same clean-cut man approaches her as she is standing waiting and offers her a ride home  The woman, thinking he looked like a good man,  after all he is a pastor no less. She gets into his truck with the pastor because she is thankful for the offer.  The man, the pastor had other plans.  He did not take her home, instead he takes her to a secluded area, where he sodomizes her.  The woman escapes after her attackers truck gets stuck in the mud. When the local Sheriff deputy arrives he finds the truck stuck in the mud just as the woman said with a man fitting her description in the truck.  At first the pastor, denies having sex with the woman, but then admits it, is arrested and is committed to the county jail.  Records search reveal he had a sexual assault charge pending from Texas.  Search of the pastors truck produce a rape kit,

or, perhaps worse a rape/murder kit.

The kit they found consisted of two knives, a stun gun, leather gloves, a leather police badge holder with no badge inside. A gold, five-pointed-star badge was found under the steering wheel dash video equipment and a machete. Two days later, while the pastor who had been traveling across the country was being held in the county jail is found hanging from a bed sheet in his cell.  He knew his gig was up. The case of Matthew Jarrell could be a script from Criminal Minds.

According to Detective Cpl. L.S. Deitz of the Kanawha County (W.Va.) Sheriff’s Office this is not a script from a TV Crime Drama produced by Hollywood. This has now turned into a real nationwide investigation for more potential victims.  Matthew Jarrell’s arrest information from West Virginia and Texas. 

“We’re looking at the whole entire country, because of his travels,” Deitz said.

Just after he was arrested, deputies in West Virginia took a sample of Jarrell’s DNA. The sample will be sent to the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System, to see if it matches DNA collected as evidence in any cases nationwide.

“You have a four-year time span,” said Detective Cpl. L.S. Deitz of the Kanawha County (W.Va.) Sheriff’s Office. “Most people, when they commit crimes . . . most likely, there are additional incidences that they have not been caught for. . . . We’re wondering exactly what he has done, if anything.”

If you, or anyone you know has further information, or perhaps you were a victim of Matthew Jarrell contact your local police department, or Detective Deitz at the below information.

Phone: (304)357-0200

Mailing Address:
PO Box 75087
Charleston, West Virginia 25375

Physical Address:
409 Virginia Street East, Room 280
Charleston, West Virginia 25301

 Update:  I know nothing about the man who made these two videos talking about Jarrell’s past.  This man is a IFB pastors son, who knew Jarrell from before Jarrell moved to Pennsylvania from Petersburg Virginia according to this man.  Appears Pastor Jarrell left quite a wake of abuse and disrespect behind him.

Part One

Part Two

8 thoughts on “Matthew Jarrell Other Victims?

  1. Pingback: Trail of Tears and Blood « chucklestravels

  2. WOW! Let’s attack Independant Fundamental Baptist. Sadly any snake can slither their way into any group. The IFB did not creat this monster. The monster snuck into the IFB. Get real, I do not believe he walked into a bar and announced he was an Independant Fundamentl Baptist pastor.

  3. Chris,
    You know, you’re right “any snake can slither their way into any group.” You really should read the rest of this blog and do your homework on the IFB, because no one needs to attack the IFB as a group. The IFB is full of pastors like this guy. Yes, maybe they haven’t actually murdered any but there are plenty of rapes of children perpetrated and covered up by IFB pastors and IFB Christian School, college administrators. Hyles-Anderson where Jarrell attended college is a cesspool of infidelity, child molestation and other wickedness not named among the heathen since Jack Hyles walked the earth. Dave Hyles had numerous affairs, one little boy died in his care, at the little guys autopsy the coroner found multiple broken bones in various stages of healing. When the child died, the first call was not to 911 but to daddy, Jack Hyles. Both Dave and the woman could not even show up at the coroners inquest. This is still labeled a homicide. Don’t take my word for it, look it up yourself. However, do yourself a favor, Chris, don’t come on this blog and embarrass yourself by claiming WE are the problem and just trying to attack the IFB.

  4. By thinking he was the “man” or man worship that is the norm in the IFB they helped create this monster;. Yes he ultimately did the crime but the lovely IFB helped. The IFB is a cult plain and simple, Chris. Do your homework and open your eyes. I know too many stories that I can never look at the IFB the same way again. You just aren’t there and you may never want to because you will die for your religion not Christ.

  5. “Sadly any snake can slither their way into any group.” While the quote is true, there is a critical difference: Other groups get rid of their snakes through expulsion, legal action, and other appropriate methods. The IFBs all too often do everything from simply ignore the snake to enable it to continue harming others to silence those who were harmed. When it comes to right and wrong, the IFB couldn’t get it any more backwards. The IFB protects rapists and other abusers while punishing victims. I want no part of that, and neither would any other person of conscience.

  6. what about all the money he embezzled from the church…??? nobody talks about tht…. or the fact tht one of his sons had a homosexual relationship with another member of the church….What about the all the ppl tht knew exactly what was going on for years and did nothing about it…
